Skills | SAT Vocabulary #4 -- Words About Speaking
- Due Feb 14, 2021 at 11:59pm
- Points 5
- Questions 10
- Time Limit 40 Minutes
- Allowed Attempts 2
Look who's talking: words about speaking
When you finally agree to a blind date, your friend nods, the diffidently (timidly, shyly) says, "Uh, one more thing. He/she is rather on the taciturn side."
You have a decision to make: does this mean you go out and buy earplugs because your dates shouts, or should you buy an ear trumpet because he/she is so soft-spoken? maybe you need to have prepared several topics of conversation in case you have to do all the talking. Or should you surreptitiously (stealthily, sneakily, on the sly) pop in an Airpod, knowing that a taciturn won't let you get a word in edgewise?
Words in this SAT practice skills
Here's what you're going to do
Before jumping in to take the quiz, learn the meanings and to how use the vocabulary words above by playing the games below.
When you're confident about using these words, begin the quiz. You only get two attempts.