Skills | SAT Language Arts Combined Exercise #2

  • Due Feb 28, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 5
  • Questions 17
  • Time Limit 40 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts 3



Microscope-1.png What difference does a better SAT score make anyway? 

It depends on your situation, but in general, a better SAT score can make a big difference in the types of scholarships you are eligible for. Not only does a a better SAT score open up different types of scholarships, it can also make a big difference in the amount of money you are eligible for. 


Lightbulb.png Not to overuse a cliche, but TIME REALLY IS MONEY! 

Just like applying for scholarships and writing scholarship essays, there is direct correlation to how much time you spend on studying and practicing for the SAT and the amount of money you might be eligible for. Further, scoring well on the SAT can also increase your chances of getting into your "reach school." 


Atom.png Think of this exercise as a mini Language Arts section

For this exercise, you're going to see shorter versions of each of the sections you've practiced in the last six weeks. These exercises might seem a bit more difficult than the previous ones. We're ramping it up to challenge you a bit more. 


Directions.png Here's what you're going to do

Complete the following sections in the quiz:

  1. Critical Reading (see the article below)
  2. Sentence Completion
  3. Vocabulary

Questions 1 - 8 refer to the short article below

Link.png Ocean Currents

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