Skills | SAT Vocabulary #1 -- Words About Age
- Due Feb 3, 2021 at 11:59pm
- Points 5
- Questions 10
- Time Limit 40 Minutes
- Allowed Attempts 2
Never trust anyone over thirty: words about age
When you look in the mirror, do you see someone sleek and snazzy, the type of young go-getter who would drive a black Jaguar... Or do you see a gray gray panther? The words in this SAT practice skills will help you select the mot juste (French for "exactly the right word") to describe yourself.
Words in this SAT practice skills
Growing older, growing wiser with new vocabulary words
Younger than springtime. Older than dirt. You've probably heard a lot of cliches describing how youthful or ancient someone is or appears to be. With the words in this section, you can avoid using too-common expression and come up with a more precise, classier description.
Here's what you're going to do
Before jumping in to take the quiz, learn the meanings and to how use the vocabulary words above by playing the games below.
When you're confident about using these words, begin the quiz. You only get two attempts.